Here's a list of recommended reading... one day I might
put up everything which is in my library, but I suspect that would blow
my space allocation. As usual, it's listed by books grouped by author.
Special mention must go to the Gutenberg
Project which contains over a thousand E-Texts, most of which are
books, which I will be slowly working my way through over the next few
years. I highly recommend you take a look through the archive. The project
is to make all the great books available for free. They're doing a damn
fine job.
- Dan Simmons
- Hyperion, Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, Rise of Endymion
- Ian M. Banks
- Excession, The Use of Weapons, State of the Art, Feersum
Endjinn, Against a Dark Background, Consider Phlebias
- William Gibson
- Neuromancer, Idoru
- David Brin
- Sundiver, Startide Rising, The Uplift Wars
- Stephen Donaldson
- The Mirror of her Dreams, A Man rides through.
- Dickens
- Tale of Two Cities
- Noam Chomsky
- Manufacturing Consent
- Albert Einstien
- Relativity
- James Gleik
- Chaos
- M. Mitchell Waldrop
- Complexity
- Carl Sagan
- Cosmos
- William Shakespeare
- Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew, Richard the Third,
Romeo and Juliet .